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Category: Funny Satire Poems Classic humorous and funny poems using irony, exaggeration and ridicule, to expose and criticize stupidity and vices. MONEY ho money has, well wages the campaign;
Who money has, becomes of gentle strain;
Who money has, to honor all accord:
He is my lord.
Who money has, the ladies ne'er disdain;
Who money has, loud praises will attain;
Who money has, in the world's heart is stored,
The flower adored.
O'er all mankind he holds his conquering track--
They only are condemned who money lack.
Who money has, will wisdom's credit gain;
Who money has, all earth is his domain;
Who money has, praise is his sure reward,
Which all afford.
Who money has, from nothing need refrain;.
Who money has, on him is favor poured;
And, in a word,
Who money has, need never fear attack--
They only are condemned who money lack.
Who money has, in every heart does reign;
Who money has, all to approach are fain;
Who money has, of him no fault is told,
Nor harm can hold.
Who money has, none does his right restrain;
Who money has, can whom he will maintain;
Who money has, clerk, prior, by his gold,
Is straight enrolled.
Who money has, all raise, none hold him back--
They only are condemned who money lack.
Jehan du Pontalais.
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