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Category: Funny Whimsical Poems Classic humorous and funny poems using whimsy. Humourosly quaint and fanciful, especially in an amusing way. O D V ONTAINING A FULL, TRUE, AND PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF THE TERRIBLE FATE OF
"True 'tis P T, and P T 'tis, 'tis true."
In I V Lane, of C T fame,
There lived a man D C,
And A B I 6 was his name,
Now mark his history.
Long time his conduct free from blame
Did merit L O G,
Until an evil spirit came
In the shape of O D V.
"O! that a man into his mouth
Should put an N M E
To steal away his brains"--no drouth
Such course from sin may free.
Well, A B drank, the O T loon!
And learned to swear, sans ruth;
And then he gamed, and U Z soon
To D V 8 from truth.
An hourly glass with him was play,
He'd swallow that with phlegm;
Judge what he'd M T in a day,
"X P D Herculem."
Of virtue none to sots, I trow,
With F E K C prate;
And O of N R G could now
From A B M N 8.
Who on strong liquor badly dote,
Soon poverty must know;
Thus A B in a C D coat
Was shortly forced to go.
From poverty D C T he caught,
And cheated not A F U,
For what he purchased paying O,
Or but an "I O U."
Or else when he had tried B 4,
To shirk a debt, his wits,
He'd cry, "You shan't wait N E more,
I'll W or quits."
So lost did I 6 now A P R,
That said his wife, said she,
"F U act so, your fate quite clear
Is for 1 2 4 C."
His inside soon was out and out
More fiery than K N;
And while his state was thereabout
A cough C V R came.
He I P K Q N A tried,
And linseed T and rue;
But O could save him, so he died
As every 1 must 2.
Poor wight! till black in' the face he raved,
'Twas P T S 2 C
His latest spirit "spirit" craved--
His last words, "O D V."
I'll not S A to preach and prate,
But tell U if U do
Drink O D V at such R 8,
Death will 4 stall U 2.
O U then who A Y Z have,
Shun O D V as a wraith,
For 'tis a bonus to the grave,
An S A unto death.
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