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Category: Funny Women Poems Classic humorous and funny poems for women, and about women. The good, the bad, and the lovely. BLOW ME EYES! hen I was young and full o' pride,
A-standin' on the grass
And gazin' o'er the water-side,
I seen a fisher lass.
"O, fisher lass, be kind awhile,"
I asks 'er quite unbid.
"Please look into me face and smile"--
And, blow me eyes, she did!
O, blow me light and blow me blow,
I didn't think she'd charm me so--
But, blow me eyes, she did!
She seemed so young and beautiful
I had to speak perlite,
(The afternoon was long and dull,
But she was short and bright).
"This ain't no place," I says, "to stand--
Let's take a walk instid,
Each holdin' of the other's hand"--
And, blow me eyes, she did!
O, blow me light and blow me blow,
I sort o' thunk she wouldn't go--
But, blow me eyes, she did!
And as we walked along a lane
With no one else to see,
Me heart was filled with sudden pain,
And so I says to she:
"If you would have me actions speak
The words what can't be hid,
You'd sort o' let me kiss yer cheek"--
And, blow me eyes, she did!
O, blow me light and blow me blow,
How sweet she was I didn't know--
But, blow me eyes, she did!
But pretty soon me shipmate Jim
Came strollin' down the beach,
And she began a-oglin' him
As pretty as a peach.
"O, fickle maid o' false intent,"
Impulsively I chid,
"Why don't you go and wed that gent?"
And, blow me eyes, she did!
O, blow me light and blow me blow,
I didn't think she'd treat me so--
But, blow me eyes, she did!
Wallace Irwin.
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